crafers weather station

 Latitude S 34° 59' 21"    Longitude E 138° 43' 40"    Elevation 500 m

12.5 °C

Welcome to Crafers, South Australia. This weather station is in the Adelaide Hills about 2Km from the Mt Lofty Summit.

The weather station in use is the WH1091, and these pages are updated every 5 minutes. Solar details are sourced from our 5kW Solaredge Inverter. The meteorological day used at this station ends at 9 am .

This screen will automatically refresh in minutes.


Forecast for today:
Dawn: 06:03 Sunrise: 06:28 Moonrise: 07:25 Moon
Dusk: 18:24 Sunset:  17:59 Moonset: 19:58
Daylight: 12:21 Day length: 11:30 Moon Phase: New Moon
There will be 2min 5s more daylight tomorrow at Crafers, SA
Conditions at local time 02:50 on 05 September 2024
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 12.5 °C Trend in the last hour 0 °C Steady
Windchill 12.5 °C Dew Point -4.2 °C
Heat Index 12.5 °C Humidity 31%
Rainfall Today 0.0 mm Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Rainfall This Month 7.2 mm Rainfall This Year 435.2 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0.0 mm Last rainfall 2024-09-02 11:50
Wind Speed (gust) 6.1 km/h Wind Speed (avg) 5.0 km/h
Wind Bearing 360° N Beaufort F1 Light air
Barometer  1016.5 hPa Falling slowly -0.4 hPa
Current   0kW Today   0kWh

